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Writer's pictureBryce Boratko

CF Fitness & Performance- Week 6

Monday 8/12

CF Fitness

A. Press 4x6-8

B. 4 Rounds for Time:

20 Reverse Lunges- if you can add weight to these, do so, but you should be able to get through at least your first set unbroken. If not, don’t use additional weight.

15 Jumping Pullups

30 Jump Rope


A. Press + Push Press (4+3) x4- build to a load that you know you’ll be able to complete all 4 working sets with. Aim to add 5-10lbs (based on feel) from last week.

B. 4 Rounds for Time:

20 Farmer’s Carry, Reverse Lunges 50/35/hand

15 Pullups

30 DU’s

Tuesday 8/13

CF Fitness

A. Snatch Grip Deadlift 3x5

B. Every 3 Minutes x 6 sets:

10 DB Snatches -use a moderate to heavy weight

5 Box Jumps

375/280M Row


A. Hang Snatch (hip) 5x3- building

B. Every 3 Minutes x 6 sets:

5 Power Snatches *use 55-65% of your best snatch. Here, less proficient lifters can use a higher percentage of their 1RM. More proficient lifters may favor the lower range of the prescription based on feel. Either way, shoot for technical proficiency on the power snatches here.

5 Box Jumps 24/20in.

20/15 Calorie Bike

Wednesday 8/14

CF Fitness

A. Goblet Squat- 4x12-15

OR; Front Squat- 4x4-5

B. 3 Rounds, EACH for Time:

15 Pushups or Incline Pushups

25 KB Swings -moderate

15/12 Calorie Bike


A. Back Squat- 4x8 -referencing the past 4 weeks, loading should be a bit heavier than what you did for multiple sets of 10. Aim to add 5lbs to last week’s working sets

B. 3 Rounds, EACH for Time:

15 Ring Dips

25 KB Swings 70/53lbs

350/260M Row

Thursday 8/15

CF Fitness

A. Hang Power Clean + Front Squat + Push Press + Jerk (1+1+1+1) E2MOM x8 Sets

B. For Time:

15-12-9-6: DB Thrusters

12-12-12-12: Renegade Rows


A. Power Clean + Clean +Jerk 78%(1+1+2) x4 *percentage based off of 1RM c&j. Based on your degree of technical proficiency, you may use a lower, or higher intensity than indicated. However, the goal here is NOT about load. There should be no missed, or squirrely lifts due to trying to lift too much.

B. For Time:




*15 reps @95/65lbs

*12 reps @115/80lbs

*9 reps @135/95lbs

*6 reps @155/110lbs.

Friday 8/16

CF Fitness & Performance

Accessory work OR, strength makeup.

Run 400/ 300M (CF Fitness)

Every 5 Minutes x 5 Sets *reference last week’s times.

Saturday 8/17

CF Fitness

With a partner, and alternating EACH exercise to complete 20 total rounds;

6 KB High Pulls- Heavy

9 Wall Balls

12 Situps


With a partner, and alternating EACH round to complete 20 total rounds;

3 Power Cleans 185/135lbs

6 T2B

9 Wall Balls 20/14lbs.

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